Museum of Photography in Bydgoszcz

ul. Królowej Jadwigi 14 Bydgoszcz
85-231 Bydgoszcz


Museum of Photography
University of Economy in Bydgoszcz

The Museum has over four thousand exhibits related to old and modern photography. Among them, Leica dating back to 1933, an original wooden studio camera of the late 19 century and Kiev 15 TEE. The Museum of Photography is a vibrant and dynamic place. Here you can get an interesting insight into the history of photography, you can see and touch cameras from different periods and in the darkroom of the museum you can explore the creation process of the traditional photography. Exhibitions of photography are organized regularly, both made by the Bydgoszcz artists and famous photographers of Polish and foreign origins. The museum is an open place, where you can talk about photography in a variety of contexts. The Museum is located in a former old coach house of the nineteenth century.

Tour time: 1 hour